Dry Cough Remedy: Causes and Home Remedies

Before we can treat dry cough, we need to understand what it is and its root causeCoughing is basically your body way of protecting itself; the purpose of coughing is to expel or break up the blockages in the throat as to make breathing possible for you.
First of all, you need to determine whether you’re having a normal cough or a dry cough. So how do you tell the difference between them? Well, if your cough does not produce mucus or phlegm, you’re most likely having a dry cough. Dry cough is often considered unproductive because this form of cough doesn’t produce phlegm or mucus. Although having phlegm in your throat may sound gross and disgusting, their presence is necessary because they serve as a natural lubrication for your throat. Without them, you throat will feel dry, itchy, croaky, swelling, and agonizingly painful.
Dry cough comes suddenly and it usually last for 2-4 weeks. If your dry cough continues for more than 2-4 weeks, you might be experiencing persistent cough. If so, this is a health issue you need to address seriously as it may be a symptom of a larger and more serious disease such as asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, lung infection or conditions that make breathing difficult. Be sure to consult your doctor for further advice if you suspect this might be the case.

Causes of Dry Cough

As mentioned before, dry cough is not really a disease itself. It is a symptom of an underlying condition. That’s why it is so important for you to discover the root cause first and tackle from there. Nevertheless, below is a list of the common causes for dry cough:
  • End of a recent infection such as cold, flu, sinus infection.
  • Environmental factors. Dry air or a lack of moisture in the air. Breathing dry air can make your throat more painful.
  • Inhalation of foreign objects or exposure to chemical substances. If your place is dusty, clean it. If you’re surrounded by smokers, move away or ask them to smoke elsewhere. If you’re the smoker, quit smoking. These harmful irritants should not be allowed to enter your nose and lung as they can inflame your throat and cause you to cough. The good news is dry cough that are caused by these chemical substances can clear up themselves without medication, provided that you stay away from the source of the irritants.
  • Asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, lung infection or other lung conditions. If you suspect your dry cough is caused by these diseases, you need to consult your doctor immediately and most importantly, change your living environment, eating habits and lifestyle.

Natural Home Remedies for Treating Dry Cough

Because dry cough can last for up to 2-4 weeks, it can really affect your daily activities and make everything difficult to do with all that coughing. Fortunately, there are many home remedies which you can use to reduce the pain and help your throat recover faster. The purpose of these remedies is to lubricate the throat or to add moisture to the airway.
Although these remedies are not scientifically proven, many people have reported they experience less cough after using them. Since these remedies only use the natural ingredients (which you should be able to find in your kitchen), they are pretty harmless. Even if they don’t provide the relief you’re looking for, you can be rest assured that they certainly won’t do any damage to your health. Nevertheless, be sure to use some common sense before using them; if you’re allergic to certain ingredients, don’t use them.
Water: About 60 percent of our body is water. It is only natural for us to keep ourselves hydrated at all times if we want to be healthy. Since the coughing is caused by a dry throat, be sure to drink plenty of fluids throughout the day, especially fresh, clean water. Water is very important because it can help thin the secretion and soothe the irritation you feel in the throat. It can also help soothe the airway and respiratory membranes. You can add a little sea salt into the water for a little extra boost but make sure that you do not consume too much salt. Be sure to avoid carbonated or soda drinks because they will only irritate your throat and make the cough worse.
Warm chicken soup: Just like water, you can soothe your throat by drinking warm broth-like soup such as chicken soup. The steam from the soup can help loosen the congestion in the chest and soothe mucus membranes.
Steam Inhalation: Inhaling steam is a great way to provide relief for an irritated throat. You don’t have to buy an expensive steam inhaler to reap the benefits of steam. Bring a pot of water to a boil then remove from heat. Lean over the pot and inhale the steam. For better result, drape a towel over your head so that all the steam will be directed to your nose and soothe your dry throat.
Ginger: This powerful herb contains antibacterial properties and it has been used as a home remedy for fighting cold and curing various illnesses. It is very easy to use too; simply peel it, slice it, and chew it. To add a little bit of flavor, sprinkle a little bit of sea salt over it.
If you can’t chew or prefer not to chew raw ginger, just boil them in a pot with purified water to make ginger tea. You can add in tea leaves, pepper or 2-4 basil leaves for some additional flavor. Drink this for 3-4 times a day.
Alternatively, you can just take ginger extract. The ginger will soothe your dry throat reduce the itching. It will also help break up the phlegm in the throat and in the lung.
Garlic: Garlic is a powerful herbal medicine that contains antibacterial, antibiotic, and anti-inflammatory properties. Although you can just chew it raw if you’re brave enough, most people find it too spicy to do so. If that’s the case, simply crush or mince the garlic and drizzle a little bit of honey over it. Let it marinade overnight. When you wake up, take a tablespoon of this garlic mixture. Repeat throughout the day as necessary.
Onion: Onion is a wonderful natural decongestant for dry cough. It can help soothe the airway and loosen the mucus to provide relief. Just like garlic, you have to eat it raw but instead of eating it, you will be drinking the juice.
Begin by peeling and chopping or grinding one onion to extract the juice. You can drink the onion juice as it is if you want to but most people find it better to mix it with honey. So for each teaspoon of onion juice, mix one teaspoon of honey. Let the mixture settle for 4-5 hours before drinking it. You can take this mixture twice in a day.
Alternatively, you can chop a couple of onions and mix them with a couple tablespoons of honey and let them boil for 2 hours. Take a tablespoon of this onion soup every 2-3 hours.
Honey: Honey is great for your dry cough because it is perfect ingredient for coating dry throat and stimulating saliva. This sweet liquid from nature has anti-bacterial and anti microbial properties and it is quite effective at killing biofilms. There are many ways you can use honey:
  1. Mix two tablespoons of honey with two tablespoons of lemon juice and just drink it. You can warm it up if you want.
  2. Mix one tablespoon of honey in a cup of hot milk before going to bed. The honey will help soothe the irritation in your throat while the tryptophan in milk will make you fall asleep.
  3. Mix one tablespoon of honey in a cup of hot water and add in a few pinches of ginger or cinnamon.
  4. Brew a cup of green tea (or other normal tea) and mix it with a tablespoon of honey.
  5. Mix a cup of grape juice with a tablespoon of honey.
  6. Mix one tablespoon of lemon juice with two tablespoons of honey and half cup of warm water.
  7. Mix a cup of ginger tea with one tablespoon of honey.
Be sure to use organic honey such as Manuka or Propolis for the best result. The honey will coat your throat and you will feel better after a few minutes. It is important to note that you should under no circumstances feed an infant (under 1 year old) honey because they might get botulism.
Anise Tea: If you are plagued with thick mucus, anise tea can help loosen the mucus. You can either use the seeds or leaves to make anise tea:
  1. Put one tablespoon of dried anise leaves into a cup of boiling water. Steep for a few minutes and let it cool down a bit before you drink it.
  2. Add 1 tablespoon of anise seeds into a mortar and crush them with the pestle. Add the crushed seeds into a cup of boiling water. Simmer for a few minutes. Let it cool down a bit before drinking.

Cinnamon: Simply add cinnamon to a cup of hot tea and drink it.
Cardamom: The best time to use this herb is when you’re going to bed. Basically, you just put a piece of cardamom into your mouth and suck it slightly to let the juice flow into your throat. You should feel better after a few minutes.
Turmeric: A common herb and spice that has many therapeutic properties. Using turmeric is really easy; mix a pinch of turmeric powder with 1 teaspoon of honey and just eat it. Alternatively, you can mix it with a cup of hot milk.
Lukewarm salt water: This mixture is very easy to make: mix one part of sea salt with four parts of lukewarm water. Gargle with this mixture to reduce the itchiness in your throat.
Spinach juice: This vegetable juice is great for soothing dry throat. Be sure to warm it up before drinking.
Apple cider vinegar: You need to mix this with water before ingesting it. Mix three tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in one cup of full water. You can adjust the amount of water to your liking. Just sip it throughout the day when there’s an urge to cough.
Oregano: Boil oregano leaves in a cup of water, filter it and drink it.
Raisin: Grind 100g of raisins with purified water and add in a few tablespoons of honey. Mix it until it reaches sauce-like consistency. Preserve the sauce. Consume about 20g every night before going to bed.
Almonds: Soak a few almonds kernels overnight. Remove the brown skin in the morning. Ground the almond to create a fine paste before consuming it.
Eucalyptus oil: This oil is great for stimulating the immune system and it contains anti-bacterial properties. Its minty qualities will help you breathe better and help loosen the phlegm in your lung. It will also make your cough more productive, meaning you will have phlegm. When your throat is starting to produce phlegm, your throat will feel less itchy and it will certainly help speed up the healing process.

Non-Herbal Ways to Relieve Dry Cough

Below are a few home remedies that do not involve the use of natural herbs and spices:
Humidifier: If you spend a lot of time in a room with low moisture, you’re basically breathing in dry air. Dry air is a no-no for dry throat. To change your environment, invest in a humidifier. You don’t need to buy an expensive one, any reasonable one will do.
Air flow: Having fresh air circulating throughout your room is a must. Be sure to open the window often to let fresh air flow into your living quarters or install a good ventilation system.
Vacuum cleaner: When was the last time you vacuumed your place? If you have carpet flooring or you have pets, you need to vacuum your floor more often to get rid of all the hairs and reduce the amount of airborne dust particles circulating in the air. These pollutants can cause irritation to your throat so make sure you keep your place clean at all times!
Lozenges: You can also try sucking on lozenges. This gel like substances can help coat your throat and minimize the itching effects and coughing.
Peppermint candy: If you don’t want to chew on ginger, this is a good alternative, though it is not considered all-natural.
Reposition your pillows: When you’re sleeping you don’t to be bothered by dry cough, simply elevate your pillow with extra pillows at night.

Most importantly, be sure to eat healthy and get enough sleep. Sleep is very important because your body needs all the rest it can get for faster recovery. This list is by no means exhaustive so if you have something you would like to share, just drop me a note!
